the researchers set cell phones at one hive and none at another. the cell phone hive was activated for two fifteen minute segments per day. measurements suggest hive productivity was off by fitty-percent, the queen laid about half as many eggs, fewer workers returned to the hive, and they ceased producing honey. the other hive performed as a normal hive would, no problems.
perhaps the loss of honeybees has something to do with disruption of the homing and communication processes of honeybees. perhaps we could shift our operating frequencies and give the bees a break.
if not...
have you heard of killer bees???
they'll be baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
Haha your brain is always so amazingly and scarely diverse. I like the bee theory though - and honestly its one of the better ones out there. Cell phones cause cancer too (just like everything in life) - I wonder when people will realize you can't stop death...actually, seeing as it's an age old (haha see what I did there?...sorry) topic I doubt people will ever stop trying to prevent the inevitable...
death begins at birth. only those with no hope for a future cling to life as if it's all that there is.
my brain is scary, even i don't like to listen to it.
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