Wednesday, August 11, 2010

my ray-gun isn't as powerful as i hoped

well, i'm most seriously displeased! boo-hoo!

scientists have confirmed that there is an upper limit to the power density which a laser beam may possess.

Fedotov et al., (Phys. Rev. Lett), has demonstrated that the upper limit to intensity is ~2.6x10+26 W/cm2, which is dependent upon the residence time of the electrons within the laser beam or the total amount of electromagnetic energy stored in the pulse.

there will be no shooting people and watching them disappear, like in Star Trek.

there will be no shooting rogue asteroids bent upon colliding with the earth, causing a global extinction event.

there will be no salvation from nuclear attack via ICBM's.

no toasting of ants on the sidewalk.

do shooting terrorist-laden planes from the skies.

i am very sad. very sad indeed!



Clair Bannerman (alias) said...

I think it interesting that you assume that the upper limit to laser beams won't destroy an ant...I would like that to be tested. While one might take a 100 years to destroy and astroid, it might be done, we don't know, we haven't tried. Also, you might not make man disapear, but perhape rendering to a pile of ash is both possible, and just as valuable. Hew!

(I hate that the comment section has no spell check!!)

sfl said...

you are full of good experiments.

and, you may not use the term "Hew!" i have a copyright on it's use.

"(I hate that the comment section has no spell check!!)",

now you may begin to understand why WOT thought learning to spell was so important. you may not have the electronic crutch at a most important time, and thus appear more a putz than you actually are!

hew! hew!