i suggest incarceration for all those in leadership, president, congresspeople, senators, including all aides. they have exhibited extreme dereliction of duty. they have negatively affected the future of this and coming generations. they look no further than the immediate needs of their re-election.
just kidding.
i think we are at the cusp of greatness.
no where is creativity more evident.
no where is creativity more embraced.
no where do people want to come more than america.
cuz we the best.
try russia. ever seen the godfather? well, dey do it on a national scale.
try china. you no like what dey do? no prollem, 1.5 billion others will do your job. they just copy what we do, and then we buy their crap.
europe? sure, if you say so. let's see, ireland, greece, italy, france. yeah, they got it together.
middle east? you can't really be serious. nuf said.
africa? what???
south america? nice place to never visit.
india? worlds largest democracy, and proof that our founding fathers had it right. constitutional republic, not democracy is a good plan.
so, don't fret. we'll rebound and make folks shake their heads in wonder.
Hahahaha I am proud, so proud to call you SFL.
i accept your sarcastic compliment.
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