Tuesday, August 24, 2010

radioactive decay rates are not constant


So scientists have found that the decay rate of various elemental isotopes is not the unvarying standard we thought...


So the sun itself is likely to be emitting particles that effect the decay rate eh? All our timing devices dependent upon a constant decay rate have errors. Oh, medical diagnostic tracers aren't as accurate? Oh, radioactive dating methods might be erroneous? Hmmmm...... isn't THAT interesting.

maybe we aren't as old as we think. perhaps a great many tightly held beliefs against creation might not be so airtight as we'd like to believe.

let's find the god-particle and perhaps it will assuage our growing, gnawing, unbelief in the constancy of nature.


Clair Bannerman (alias) said...

Hmm, I knew somehow and in not so many smart words that this was true! Really then, all we have are our trends. People do get worked up over the most amazing things...

sfl said...

yes, your inner middichlorians were guiding you in the path of enlightenment, helping you understand sub-atomic particle interactions without knowing how to express it. now you must let the force floooooowwwww through you young padwan.